Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sitting in the Airport

I am currently sitting in the airport waiting to get on my plane.  Finally on my way to Prague with a short pit stop in Germany!  Well.... sort of on my way.  I may have given myself a little too much leeway, considering that I got here about 3 hours before my flight and it only took me about 30 min to get my ticket and go through security.  Well, if there is one thing that never changes, it's definitely my chronic earliness. At least I am well stocked with snacks and trashy magazines to keep me entertained!

It hasn't really hit me yet that I am going to be in Prague in less than 24 hours!  Its kind of hard to thing that far ahead, when I am more concerned with making sure I have everything packed that I need and that I don't miss a flight/get lost trying to find my connecting flight, etc.  Maybe it will actually hit me when I get on the plane after my layover in Germany?  Right now all I can think about is how nice it is going to be to be able to nap on the plane!

On another note, I am not a huge fan of the working title of this blog, so suggestions are welcome!  I will keep brainstorming for the next 2 hours while I wait for my flight....


  1. I hope you know I'm going to be seriously stalking you. I love your blog already. Have a safe flight, we'll have to schedule a Skype date in a few weeks when we're both relatively settled in. Yeah? Yeah!

    Also, if you want a new name you could do tons of things with "Czech me out!" or something equally as cheesy.

    Love, love, love. Sorry this is so long.

  2. Case Face! Can't wait to read this and hear about all of your adventures :):) Best of luck, and as far as titles, I'm liking the twitter version with "the Prague Blog" (rhymes....pretty cool).

