Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And so it begins....

Countdown to Prague: 8 DAYS!

So.... I started packing today and promptly gave myself a serious headache.  According to US Airways and whatever else I am flying, I can check 1 bag for free that weighs up to 50lbs, and a second bag for $50 each way.  I was originally planning to just take one large bag and a carry-on, but apparently it is something like a $150 fee if my bag is overweight , as opposed to just paying the $50 charge for a second bag? Doesn't really make sense to me, and means that I now have to weigh my luggage religiously to ensure it is not over 50lbs.  Not so easy on my bathroom scale....

Luckily my mother has been super helpful with the whole packing thing.  We made a list and started laying everything out on my sister's bed this morning.  We are having trouble sticking to the list though, as she keeps trying to add practical things like q-tips and hand sanitizer, while I keep trying to add more pairs of shoes.  Typical.  With the range of different weather in Prague, I am lucky that my parents are coming to visit in April and will be lugging an extra bag of my shit with them each way.  That way they can bring me warm weather clothes and take home some of my cold weather ones.  Lucky them!

On a brighter note, I am headed down to DC this weekend to see everybody one last time and to celebrate Madison's 21st b-day.  Woooh!  I am super excited about this because since everybody has already gone back to school, I have been slowly dying of boredom in my house.  I think I have watched every movie I own and left the house a grand total of about 2 times this week.  Going to the gym has become the highlight of my day because it gives me an excuse to get out of the house.  Sad, I know.

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