Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 1: Complete(ish)

Today I got my first real look at Prague, and it is beautiful!  I made my first trip down to the CET center in Wenchesless (sp?) Square.  We had orientation for about 5 hours today, getting our IDs, learning about classes, health care, and all of the other rules and policies and such.  The center is in a really strange location, in what is essentially a huge office building with an entrance in an open air shopping mall like the ones on boardwalks.  Strange.  The area down there is really fun though, with lots of cafes and shops and such.  We also got to see the more picturesque side of Prague when we ventured over towards Old Town Square to get our IDs at Charles University.  This was definitely the Prague that you see in guide books, and every bit as gorgeous as the pictures!

To back up a little.... I landed in Prague at about 13:30 yesterday after leaving Philadelphia at about 18:10 the night before (yes, everything is on a 24hour clock here, get used to it because I will be!).  We took a shuttle bus to our apartment, which is absolutely gorgeous!  The apartment is huge, with a living room, kitchen/dining area, 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms!  I am in a bedroom with 2 other girls, and I have two other roommates who share the other room.  After getting to the apartments, we unpacked and headed out to dinner at an Italian restaurant near the CET center.  Dinner was really nice, and afterwards we were all super tired so we headed back to the apartments to hang out for a while and then went to bed around 20:00. 

Right now I am just hanging out in my apartment, waiting for one of my roommates so we can venture out to the grocery store.  This should be quite the adventure, seeing as we a) don't know how to get to the store, and b) can't read the Czech labels on any of the products.   After the store and dinner and such, I think we are going to head out to a bar that one of my roommates found this afternoon.  Time to sample some of this famous Czech beer that I have been hearing so much about....

PS. sorry if there are a ton of misspellings... anyone who is reading this probably knows that I am terrible at spelling, and my spell check has somehow set itself to Czech, so that's not really very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be lots of fun following this blog whatever you call it!
    Kate O'Neill (ozajacz)
